
Baptism is one of the great gifts that God has given the church. In the waters of baptism, infant and well-aged, male and female, rich and poor stand together on equal ground. The sacrament of baptism reveals to us a clearer and deeper picture of God’s grace; we all find ourselves under the waters of God’s grace. The world around us tends to emphasize, our personal accomplishments and our family’s name. Yet God’s church proclaims what Christ has accomplished and that we are part of God’s great diverse family.

Baptism is a covenant between God and His people. In baptism, the invisible promise of God’s promise to forgive our sins and welcome us into the body of Christ is made visible. As surely as the water is wet, so sure is the fact that Jesus came, died and rose so that you and I might have life with God, now and forever.

Baptism in the Reformed Tradition
While baptism is a Christian sacrament celebrated in churches around the globe, there are a variety of perspectives and practices. Christ Community is part of the Reformed Church in America (RCA), a denomination going back to 1628. Here are a few key beliefs we emphasize in baptism:

  • Baptism marks the beginning of a lifelong covenant between the church, a person (or family), and God.

  • Baptism is not a saving act. Rather it is an act that points us to the Savior.
  • Baptism marks a new beginning now and points to a new beginning in the future (new life in Christ).
  • We baptize infants, children, youth and adults. Infants and children are baptized “under” the faith of their parents and engaged in the faith until they confirm their own commitment to follow Christ.
  • The sacrament doesn’t depend on human faithfulness, but on divine faithfulness.
  • We celebrate baptism exclusively within the life of the church in public worship.

“We come with dirty hands and guilty hearts, and in the waters of baptism, God says to us, ‘You are clean again, you have new life, set back into the order intended by me from the beginning.”‘ — Jim Brownson

To learn more about baptism, see:
Genesis 12:1-3, Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 16:16-34, Romans 5:3-5, Galatians 3:26-28, Ephesians 4:1-6, 1 Peter 2:9-10.

Baptism Application

We are honored that you are considering joining Christ Community Church through baptism. Please complete the following application to begin the process. To baptize a child, a parent or guardian must be a regular member of Christ Community and consistent in their participation for a period of at least 3 months in advance of the baptism. If you are not yet a member of Christ Community, the actions of membership and baptism can be simultaneous. Please contact the office at (630) 257-7770 or with any questions.

Are you a member of Christ Community Church?
If not, are you interested in becoming a member at the same time your child is baptized?

Parents of a child being baptized will be asked these three questions:

Do you recognize the sin and brokenness within yourselves and in the world around you?

Who is your Lord and Savior?

With Christ as your Lord & Savior, do you promise to:

  • Follow Christ yourself
  • Teach this child God’s word
  • Model active participation in worship and in the life and mission of the church?