Mission Focus

Multi-Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood

Focus: Evangelism, Hospitality to Ethnic Communities

The Multi-Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood’s mission is “To embrace and empower people of all nations present with us, and together we find a faith and spirituality fulfilled in Jesus Christ.” Currently, they meet for worship, feed the homeless and underprivileged, and evangelize to immigrants.

What I can do to help:

  • Make lunches on 1st & 3rd Sundays
  • Donate specific items or give monetary donations
  • Pray for our church. VISION 2025 aims to establish four service centers in four different locations in Chicago. On weekdays, these centers will offer meals, fellowship, and ministry, and eventually, each will become a church.
  • Pray for two volunteers proposed to be on our church Consistory for 2025. These two are raised through our meal ministry contacts. They will be coaching with Coram Deo for one year. Pray everything goes well.
  • Pray for supplies for our meal ministry, such as groceries, fruits, vegetables and meat, to be met.

Global Missions


Focus: Evangelism, At-risk Youth, Church Planting, Vocational Training

Missionaries: Felipe & Janelle deWaard-Silva

For over 7 years, Felipe & Janelle have creatively shared the gospel in Romania, starting with a rock-climbing club among the Roma people. Now, their ministry spans education, evangelism, and job training. Partnering with them provides resources to reach their community and inspires us to connect creatively through the good news.


Focus: Health Care, Evangelism, Church Multiplication
Missionaries: Blaine & Kathy Newhouse

Blaine Newhouse serves as the senior pastor of the ELC of the National Evangelical Church of the Kingdom of Bahrain, a church planted by the RCA in 1893. His wife Kathleen teaches at Al Raja School.

South Sudan

Focus: Peace, Reconciliation, Refugee Assistance
Missionaries: Shelvis & Nancy Smith-Mather

Shelvis leads reconciliation and healing efforts at RECONCILE Peace Institute. Nancy partners with RECONCILE to improve education, support teachers, advocate for girls, and promote peace in South Sudan.


Focus: Business Training, Poverty Prevention
Missionary: Wendy Twycross

For 28 years, ELI has empowered orphans and families to overcome poverty, embrace Christ, and share their transformation. Wendy leads Kenyan business leaders in training new entrepreneurs, breaking poverty cycles.

World Vision

Focus: Poverty Prevention, Evangelism, Child Sponsorship

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Local Missions

Community Outreach, Youth Ministry

Young Life (senior high) and WyldLife (junior high) Homer Glen & Lockport is committed to sharing with every teen how much God loves them. Volunteer leaders give all teens a safe place to belong regardless of their beliefs, through mentoring relationships with adult and high school leaders, small groups, and regular club gatherings that offer fun, laughter, encouragement, and an inspirational message.

Prison Evangelism, Discipleship, Job Training, Angel of Hope

CPO reaches out to incarcerated and previously incarcerated men, women, and their families with the love of Christ. In-prison ministries include discipleship and educational programs, while post-prison ministries provide mentoring, accountability, life skills, and vocational training. Outreach programs include the Angels of Hope family ministry and the Women of Hope.

Evangelism, Hospitality to Ethnic Communities

The Multi-Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood’s mission is “To embrace and empower people of all nations present with us and together we find a faith and spirituality fulfilled in Jesus Christ.” Currently, they meet for worship, feed the homeless and underprivileged, and evangelize to immigrants.

 Disaster Relief Locally and Globally

World Renew joins communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation through disaster relief and community development in the US and globally.  They provide immediate assistance with clean water, food security, and shelter and have a lasting impact on rebuilding communities.

Mission Friendships

This is a collection of great local organizations that we partner with.  If you are looking for a way to serve in your community, please click on the logos below to connect to their website.