Kids Ministry

Creating the building blocks for a strong foundation of faith


When: Sundays During Worship (All Year), Wednesdays, 6–7:30pm (September–March) | Age: Newborn–1-year-old | Where: Nursery

Those old enough to walk into nursery can enter through a door just their size! While you worship or go to class, your children will be loved, cared for physically, and given opportunities to grow in their development through music and play centers in a safe and inviting nursery.

JAMmers – Jesus and Me

When: Sundays During Worship (All Year), Wednesdays, 6–7:30pm (September–March) | Age: 2–3 years old | Where: JAMmers Room

Where else can you slide into your classroom, but at JAMmers? Children are welcomed to play in the area of their choice when they come into JAMmers. They will also have circle time to hear a Bible story, sing songs or play instruments and have table time with crafts, coloring pages, and small snack.

Children & Worship

When: Sundays During Worship (September–May) | Age: Preschool–Kindergarten | Where: Room 101

Kids will study the Bible, in fun and easy-to-learn lessons, by diving deep into the big story of the Bible — God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. They will have Bible Stories, “wonder” about God’s plan and have songs and activities to help them understand the foundations of their faith.

Individual Worship Plan

We want to make your child’s experience in Kids Ministry as wonderful as possible. If your child might benefit from additional assistance in their classes or groups, we ask that you please fill out an Individualized Worship Plan (IWP) form. This will help us better know your child and how to best plan for their time in ministry with us.

Kids & Worship

When: Sundays During Worship (September–May) | Age: 1st & 2nd Grade | Where: Room 102

Kids are guided to a deeper understanding of Jesus as they study the Bible and how even stories in the Old Testament point toward God’s Son, Jesus Christ. They “wonder” about God’s plan and have songs and activities to help build the foundations of their faith.

Junction 35

When: Sundays During Worship (September–May) | Age: 3rd–5th Grade | Where: Room 210

Junction 35 is dismissed from service after the morning message. We believe that 3rd–5th grade is a pivotal point in a child’s life. It is the point where they’ve learned about their faith and now are starting to act on it, a place where they leave the classroom setting and venture into relational ministry with leaders, where their faith starts to become their own. They talk about what they have learned during morning service in a space that is uniquely set up for them!

Wednesday Community Nights

When: Wednesdays, 6–7:30pm (September 10 – November 12 | Where: Gym

Wednesday Community Nights is a night where there is something for adults and kids alike. If you have a child 3 yrs. old and under they will be in our Nursery or JAMmers classes. We do ask if you have a child in this age group you stay on property while your child is in class and you are welcome to participate in one of our adult classes.

If your child is 4 yrs. old–5th Grade, they will engage with the Bible Stories through small group time, crafts, games and more. We are so excited to have your kids participate in our Community Night Programs and love it when they bring their friends! We ask that all kids register before attending, and the cost is free.

Meet Kate & Jorie!

The Kid’s Ministry team looks forward to meeting you and your kids! If you have any questions before visiting or are looking for more information about how you can help out in Kid’s Ministry, email Kate or Jorie. They would love to hear from you!