Bread Journal
Join us as we read the scriptures together, journeying through the text, grappling with the same passages, asking questions and being drawn into a daily encounter with Jesus.
Each day, we’re setting aside our best time to immerse ourselves in the text so we might live out the story of God in our city, letting his voice be the most formative one in our lives. Rather than eating the bread of anxious toil as the Psalmist says, we want to eat the bread that truly satisfies.
We’ve made a new journal following the church calendar which provides a passage for each day and space to write down what God might be saying to us through the text.
BE STILL – Find a place where you can encounter God, ask him to fill the space, and take a minute in stillness. Fix your eyes on Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time.
READ – Read through the passages for the day. Look for one verse that stands out or interests you. Write out that verse in the ‘read’ section.
ENGAGE – Meditate on what God highlighted to you in the passage by journaling through questions such as: What might God want me to know about himself, myself, or others? Is God revealing a lie or truth he wants me to notice and respond to? What else might God be saying to me?
APPLY – Now, turn your focus outward. Think about how you might apply this to your day, and write down how you’re going to try and live this out.
DEVOTE – Finally, close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God. Ask that God would fill you afresh and commit your day to him.